Monday, April 6, 2009

Sugery #71 tomorrow

Yep, #71 will be tomorrow. That is Elizabeth will be put under general anesthesia for the 71st time in her life. She has had about 8 or so major surgeries and the rest have been minor surgeries and scopes that required general anesthesia.

Tomorrow she is scheduled for a bronchoscopy/laryngoscopy so the surgeon can take a look at her airway and how it has healed since the reconstructive surgery last July. She says she feels like there is something in there. She feels it low in her throat, especially when she tips her head back. Last December she felt the same thing and it was granuloma...a piece of tissue growing in her airway. The surgeon removed it, but we think it has grown back.

Pray for a safe drive for us and good outcome for Elizabeth.

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