Sunday, September 14, 2008

SWEET 16! X 3

My babies are 16 today! Where did the time go? They had about 8 friends over last night to celebrate. We had planned on a bonfire in the backyard, but got rained out. They rented a movie, played a game and ate cake. Lot of laughter, so I'm sure they had a good time.

16 candles each!

Jack, Jessica, Elizabeth

Tom and my mother, "Grandma Mary", will be taking Elizabeth to Cincinnati today. She is having a bronchoscopy/laryngoscopy tomorrow at 1:00PM. Please pray for good news. If all looks good, then she won't need to go back to Cincinnati for 3 months. That is what we are hoping for. Pray for no scar tissue in her airway. I can't go with them this time because I can't miss anymore time from work. I work for the Michigan Marching Band and it is our BUSY season right now.

I'll update tomorrow after Tom calls me with the news.

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