Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Prayers for Wednesday

Bright and early tomorrow morning my mother Mary, Elizabeth and I will drive down to Cincinnati. Her surgery is scheduled for 3:00PM. We are praying for good news; that the pink membrane has grown over the rib graft and that the granulation and scar tissue is at a bare minimum. I'm a little worried because this morning she told me her throat feels a little swollen inside. Could be scar tissue building up. If that is the case, the surgeon will probably us laser surgery to remove some of the scar tissue and she will most likely have to spend the night (or 2 nights or 3).

Elizabeth has to be in Pre-op by 1:30pm, so we hope to arrive by 12:30 so we have time to visit her friend Anwar. Anwar is the girl from Kuwait that was having airway reconstruction surgery too. She will still be in I.C.U and we hope to be able to stop in to see how she is progressing.

I might not get a chance to post tomorrow, but I will be sure to post and update on Thursday.

Oh and prayers needed for Jack....he has poison ivy all over his arms, legs and face! He stayed the night at a friends house Sunday night and came home with poison ivy. He is miserable and will be going to the doctor this afternoon. The girls want him to stay away from them. I told him that his face better be cleared up in time for school pictures in September.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We'll be thinking of you and Elizabeth today. Hoping that there is nothing but good news from the doctors.

Please update when you can.

A TC Friend