Friday, November 9, 2007


My life has been full of blessings. Even with all of his medical struggles, my husband is such a positive person and an inspiration to others. He is one of my blessings and his suffering is also a blessing because through his suffering, he is still LIVING and LOVING and being good example to others. When the kids were little and would ask "why doesn't God answer my prayers to make Daddy better?" I would tell them that God was using Daddy as a tool to reach others and spread His word and show others what Faith is.
A couple years later my son asked "when is God going to be done using daddy as a tool?"
Elizabeth is also a pillar of strength and faith. She has watched her dad suffer, but she has suffered too. She says she just wants to be a regular kid and doesn't want anyone feeling sorry for her....cheer her on yes, but don't pity her.

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