Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Well, Elizabeth will have a bronchoscopy/laryngoscopy on May 5 at Children's Hospital in Cincinnati and then she has a Voice Clinic appointment on May 6. The big surgery in June could possibly damage or change her voice and the Voice Clinic will record and document her current voice quality, so if it changes she can have therapy to get her voice back to the level she is at now.
We have all been very busy in the Dawson house. This week the kids have final exams. Their school is on Trimesters, so they have Finals three times each year. Next week will begin the last trimester.

Jack has the lead role in the school musical this weekend, so we are excited to see him perform. Track starts next week. I have to talk to the coach about Elizabeth. She wants to concentrate on throwing the shot and the discus since she can't breathe well enough to run. I just have to make sure the coach understands her situation.