So, the kids actually did dance last night for their drama group. It almost didn't happen. As they were leaving the house to go to play practice, Jack and Jess forgot their dance shoes, so I ran upstairs and grabbed them. They both told me it's "no big deal, we don't really need to dance, we don't want to dance", etc., etc.., I dropped the guilt trip on them: all the years of driving them to practice, feises, money spent on costumes, shoes, lessons, etc. THEN in walks my secret weapon......Grandma Mary!!! The kids were in the car, shoes in the house.....Grandma grabbed the shoes and ran out to their car and gave them what for! Go Grandma! Grandma guilt trumps mom guilt. Got the job done.
So, then I went with Mom to Mass at Old St. Patrick's, and then listened to a visiting priest give a talk (so boring). My mom was even bored. Then we went to the church hall to visit with people. NO EXERCISE for me last night. I keep giving my time away. Mom is worth it. I just wish there were more hours in a day.